Personalised Local Support
Carer Help in My Area
Just select your region and access your personal online carers support
North England
South England
- Dorset
- Wiltshire
- Bournemouth
- Devon, Torbay and Plymouth (coming soon)
- South Gloucestershire (coming soon)
Can’t see your region above? No problem! Just access our UK wide support here
Support Available
Bridgit Self-help
Access instant & personalised support
Caring for someone can be hard, and it’s tough to find the help you need when you’re busy.
There’s so much information available that it’s confusing to know where to begin.
That’s why we created a special tool that gives you the information you need when you need it, customised for the needs of carers.

Ask Bridgit
Chat with your virtual carer coach
Ask Bridgit chats to you and finds out what as a carer you are finding difficult, and may need support with.
Instant advice is provided, along with a self-help support plan; highlighting suggestions, tips and local events.
You can ask Bridgit anything. All you need is WhatsApp and 5 minutes to share some information about your role as a carer and access support local to you.

What Carers Say

“So far I’ve learned about so much out there I had no idea about. Absolutely invaluable. Thank you so much.”
Carer for mum And sister

“The self help tool brings everything I need into one place, and if I need extra help I know where to get it. ”
Carer FOr MOther-IN-LaW

“The support has helped me find local support and events for me and my son. The email reminders have been good and helped me think about things.”