Online Carer Support
Ask Bridgit
Not sure what help is out there for carers and want a chat?
Chat with our interactive WhatsApp care coach and get local support today. You can Ask Bridgit anything.
How it works
You can Ask Bridgit anything you want to learn about to help in your caring role.
Ask Bridgit is available on WhatsApp, and you can access it anytime, anywhere.
To get started, simply message Ask Bridgit on WhatsApp and answer a series of questions about yourself, your challenges, and your needs.
Based on your responses, Ask Bridgit will generate a personalised support plan that includes practical ideas, local services, and online resources.

Easy to Use
Ask Bridgit on WhatsApp is easy to use. You can get private help and advice that fits your needs. It's a safe place to talk about any worries you might have without fear of being judged.

Personalised for you
Ask Bridgit helps carers by offering customised plans, resources, and tools, making their role easier while improving your well-being.

Available anytime
You can get help from Ask Bridgit anytime, day or night, from wherever you are.

Local Services
Ask Bridgit helps you find local services and resources, such as respite care, financial support, and support groups for carers in your area.
Support Available

Workplace Support
Balancing Work and Care Responsibilities?
⚖️ Strategies for achieving a work-care balance.
📅 Tips on time management and setting priorities.
🤝 Information on workplace rights and support for carers.

Carer Support
Are you looking for help in your caring role?
📝 Insights into managing the specific condition of the person you’re caring for.
🤝 Guidance on accessing and using these services effectively.
🌍 Links to online resources and communities for carers.

Financial Support
Navigating Financial Support & Benefits for Carers?
💰 Detailed information on benefits and financial support options specifically for carers.
📝 Step-by-step guidance on applying for these benefits.
🛠️ Tools and resources to help manage your finances.