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Enquire with your local carer service or local authority about how a carer assessment could help you
Think about the support you would like to help your wellbeing and support you as a carer.
If the local council decides that you do have eligible needs, then providing you want them to, they have a legal obligation to meet these needs and must draw up a support plan detailing how these needs will be met.
It may be agreed that the best way to help you as a carer is by providing services directly to you, by providing services to the person you are looking after, or a combination of both.
The local council can provide services themselves, or arrange services through another organisation.
Alternatively, you or the person you are looking after can request direct payments, which are payments which enable you to buy services to meet your eligible needs.
The support plan must include:
Some examples of the kind of help that could be available directly to you as a carer:
Some examples of the kind of help that could be available to the person you are looking after, in order to help you as a carer:
Source: CarersUK
Create an emergency plan so you and others are aware what to do in an emergency
Download and read the Bridgit Carer Information Pack
Find out about Carer’s Allowance and other benefits
Register with your GP as a carer, you will have access to health checks and free flu jabs
Speak to your Carer Support Dorset for support available
If you provide assistance to or care for another person then as a carer, there are certain things you should do or you should know.
Here are our top tips for all carers, existing and new.
Complete a Carers Assessment (for you) and a Needs Assessment for the one you care for (If you haven’t done so already). It may help to identify the support you and your family require. This can be completed via your Local Authority or your local carers centre.
Find out more about your local carers centre. They have a wide range of support, advice, classes and activities to help you as a carer.
Every year millions of pounds of carers' benefits go unclaimed in the UK. Use a benefits checker such as Turn2Us to see what benefits support you may be entitled to. There are carer specific benefits available such as as Carers Allowance or Carers Credit.
Look into some of the great carer technology which can make caring easier
Juggling work and care can be tricky, as a carer you have employment rights and more employers are recognising the importance of supporting the people in their workforce with caring responsibilities.
Register yourself as a carer with your GP. You will be entitled to health checks as well as other services.
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Once a month it's useful to reflect on how you're doing in different areas.
Just select an area of the care circle to update how you're getting on.
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