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Care Quality Commission

Inspects and reports on care services, care homes and hospitals.


The Care.com digital platform provides a simple, comprehensive solution for finding, managing and paying for family care needs; including elderly care, child care, special needs care, pet care and housekeeping.
More than one million carers worldwide are already signed up, and you can filter through them by postcode and the specific tasks you need help with, such as bed changing or grocery shopping.


Beacon provide free expert advice and affordable representation for families who are struggling to navigate the maze of NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Carers UK Animated Video Guides

Carers UK animation series covers a wide variety of topics to help you understand what support and benefits are available to help you look after someone as well as yourself.
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Loading πŸ“‹ Carer Assessment Overview

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Enquire with your local carer service or local authority about how a carer assessment could help you

Think about the support you would like to help your wellbeing and support you as a carer.

If the local council decides that you do have eligible needs, then providing you want them to, they have a legal obligation to meet these needs and must draw up a support plan detailing how these needs will be met.

It may be agreed that the best way to help you as a carer is by providing services directly to you, by providing services to the person you are looking after, or a combination of both.

The local council can provide services themselves, or arrange services through another organisation.

Alternatively, you or the person you are looking after can request direct payments, which are payments which enable you to buy services to meet your eligible needs.

The support plan must include:

  • details of the needs identified in the assessment
  • which needs meet the eligibility criteria
  • which needs the local council is going to meet, and how
  • the outcomes that you want to achieve
  • information about the personal budget available (the amount of money that the local council has worked out it will cost to arrange the necessary support for you)
  • information about direct payments
  • information and advice to support you in your role as a carer and address your needs.

Some examples of the kind of help that could be available directly to you as a carer:

  • help with transport costs, such as taxi fares or driving lessons
  • costs for a car where transport is crucial, such as repairs and insurance
  • technology to support you, such as a mobile phone, computer where it is not possible to access computer services elsewhere
  • help with housework or gardening
  • help to relieve stress, improve health and promote wellbeing such as a gym membership.

Some examples of the kind of help that could be available to the person you are looking after, in order to help you as a carer:

  • changes to their home to make it more suitable
  • equipment such as a hoist or grab rail
  • a care worker to help provide personal care at home
  • a temporary stay in residential care/respite care
  • meals delivered to their home
  • a place at a day centre
  • assistance with travel, for example to get to a day centre
  • laundry services
  • replacement care so you can have a break.

Source: CarersUK

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Carers' Trust

The Carers' Trust is the largest provider of comprehensive carers support services in the UK.

Carers UK

Carers UK give expert advice, information and support to carers in order to make their life better.

Carers UK are available to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don't have to care alone.

They have an expert telephone advice and support service for if you want to talk about caring. And if you're looking for answers, they have online information and support.

Carers UK continually campaign for carers rights, alongside having online support groups and volunteering opportunities.

Carers UK Animated Video Guides

Carers UK animation series covers a wide variety of topics to help you understand what support and benefits are available to help you look after someone as well as yourself.
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Loading πŸ‘ͺ Carer Support Overview

Create an emergency plan so you and others are aware what to do in an emergency

Download and read the Bridgit Carer Information Pack

Find out about Carer’s Allowance and other benefits

Register with your GP as a carer, you will have access to health checks and free flu jabs

Speak to your Carer Support Dorset for support available

If you provide assistance to or care for another person then as a carer, there are certain things you should do or you should know.

Here are our top tips for all carers, existing and new.

Complete a Carers Assessment (for you) and a Needs Assessment for the one you care for (If you haven’t done so already). It may help to identify the support you and your family require. This can be completed via your Local Authority or your local carers centre.

Find out more about your local carers centre. They have a wide range of support, advice, classes and activities to help you as a carer.

Every year millions of pounds of carers' benefits go unclaimed in the UK. Use a benefits checker such as Turn2Us to see what benefits support you may be entitled to. There are carer specific benefits available such as as Carers Allowance or Carers Credit.

Look into some of the great carer technology which can make caring easier

Juggling work and care can be tricky, as a carer you have employment rights and more employers are recognising the importance of supporting the people in their workforce with caring responsibilities.

Register yourself as a carer with your GP. You will be entitled to health checks as well as other services.

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Carers' Trust

The Carers' Trust is the largest provider of comprehensive carers support services in the UK.

Age UK

We aim to provide life-enhancing services and vital support to people in later life. We and our local partners deliver a range of services across the UK.

Our local Age UKs run a variety of different services. Not all services take place in every area, but all local Age UKs will be able to help you find what you're looking for.


Bridgit Care understand that being an unpaid carer is one of the most important jobs out there. But it can sometimes feel lonely and like you're unsupported. Which is why we're always here to listen and help. We believe technology should be designed with and for carers and the ones they support.

Email: contact@bridgit.care

Carers UK

Carers UK give expert advice, information and support to carers in order to make their life better.

Carers UK are available to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don't have to care alone.

They have an expert telephone advice and support service for if you want to talk about caring. And if you're looking for answers, they have online information and support.

Carers UK continually campaign for carers rights, alongside having online support groups and volunteering opportunities.

Veterans Gateway

Veterans’ Gateway – information, advice and support for veterans and their families Here for you 24/7, we are the first point of contact for veterans and their loved ones. We can directly refer you to our verified, expert partners including Combat Stress, SSAFA, Poppy Scotland and more.

Carers UK Animated Video Guides

Carers UK animation series covers a wide variety of topics to help you understand what support and benefits are available to help you look after someone as well as yourself.
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Loading 🚨 Emergency Planning Overview

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Save the plan in an accessible location and give copies to those that will need it.

Talk about the plan with the person you care for and any other people that will be involved such as friends and family. Especially those who may have a responsibility within the plan

Think about the important information that needs to be included on a emergency plan and gather together the details

As a carer you need to know that if an emergency happens, replacement care will get sorted out speedily and efficiently.

When you care for someone, life cannot simply be put on hold when the person you are looking after relies on you for vital help and support.

When help is urgently needed, you might contact a family member, friend or neighbour who would be willing to cover in an emergency, but we know that this isn't always possible.

We advise all carers to create an emergency plan – for you and all those you look after. Having a plan in place can help ease your worries if you are not able to care for those you look after at any point in the future.

In order to create an emergency plan that meets your needs, we recommend you consider bringing together these details:

  • details of the name, address and contact details of the person you look after
  • who you and the person you look after would like to be contacted in an emergency – this might include friends, family or professionals
  • details of any medication the person you look after is taking and where it is stored
  • details of any ongoing treatment they need
  • noting details of any allergies
  • details of their GP and pharmacy
  • any ongoing treatment they need
  • any care and support services they receive
  • any continence products needed and who supplies them
  • any mobility challenges and mobility aids such as a wheelchair or hoist
  • anything behavioural others need to be aware of.

Having this important information in one place could be of immense support and help when needed at a critical time, when time might be limited. Talk about the plan with the person you care for, if possible, and also with those you would like to be named emergency contacts.

It would also be useful to share it with trusted family members or friends and healthcare professionals.

Give people a copy of the plan – or let them know where they can find it and make sure the information is regularly updated.

Source: CarersUK

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Carers' Trust

The Carers' Trust is the largest provider of comprehensive carers support services in the UK.

Carers UK

Carers UK give expert advice, information and support to carers in order to make their life better.

Carers UK are available to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don't have to care alone.

They have an expert telephone advice and support service for if you want to talk about caring. And if you're looking for answers, they have online information and support.

Carers UK continually campaign for carers rights, alongside having online support groups and volunteering opportunities.
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NHS 111

If you or a loved one is feeling unwell you can get medical help buy visiting the NHS 111 website, answer the questions regarding your symptoms and receive medical advice.

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We’re here for families wherever they live in the UK, and whenever they need us

Council for Disabled Children

An online library of resources that you can access to find out more about disability policy and practice which includes a selection of materials specifically written with parents in mind.

My Family Our Needs

We offer information, guidance and advice on all aspects of supporting a child or young person with additional needs from birth right up to the age of 25. Whether you are looking for a primary school or helping your child move into their first independent home, you’ll find practical resources to help you here.'

Parent Care Foundation

Parent Carer Foundation provides a central voice for Parents and Carers of children and adults of all ages with SEN / complex learning / medical needs and all kinds of disabilities.


Sibs exists to support people who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister. It is the only UK charity representing the needs of over half a million young siblings and over one and a half million adult siblings.


We’re here for families wherever they live in the UK, and whenever they need us


Afasic was founded in 1968 as a parent-led organisation to help children and young people with speech and language impairments and their families.
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Arthritis Care

Provides high-quality information and support to empower people to take control of their arthritis.


Supports disabled people and their families, especially those affected by cerebral palsy.

Disability Grants

Do you have a disability? Or care for disabled child or adult? If so, you can use this website to save time finding disability grants nationally and locally.

Falls Assistant

Falls Assistant is a self-management tool designed by the NHS to help prevent falls, keep people steady on their feet and remain as independent as possible.

It enables older people, their carers and family members to assess their own falls risk, and then provides tailored advice that will give them a plan to reduce their future risk of falls and fractures.

Better Mobility

Here you will find a list of charities which may be able to help you with the funding of your mobility equipment. There are many charities who specialise in providing funding for children, and while it can be more difficult to find funding for adults, it is available.

Disabled Living Foundation

Provides free, impartial advice about all types of disability equipment and mobility products for older and disabled people, their Carers and families. From stairlifts to walk-in-baths, jar openers to tap turners, bath seats to walking sticks, wheelchairs to scooters, hoists to beds, the DLF can help find disabled equipment solutions that enable people to stay active and independent.

Disability Rights UK/RADAR

Wide range of information and publications designed to educate and inform disabled people, public sector organisations and the private sector. Operates the National Key Scheme which provides disabled people with independent access to locked public toilets around the country.

Disability Law Service

The Disability Law Service provides free legal advice, information and representation to disabled people and their families or carers.


Directory of disability, mobility and health-related websites.

Living Made Easy

Unpaid carers are the hidden army enabling thousands of older and disabled people to live fulfilling lives. More than half of people using our information and advice are looking on behalf of someone and when they find that useful thing they always say "I wish I'd known that sooner".
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Falls Assistant

Falls Assistant is a self-management tool designed by the NHS to help prevent falls, keep people steady on their feet and remain as independent as possible.

It enables older people, their carers and family members to assess their own falls risk, and then provides tailored advice that will give them a plan to reduce their future risk of falls and fractures.
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Rethink Mental Illness

Works to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life. Has a good range of factsheets on all issues related to mental illness.

Hearing Voices

A small national charity whose aims are to: Raise awareness of the diversity of voices, visions and similar experiences and challenge negative stereotypes, stigma and discrimination


Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you are having a difficult time or are worried about someone else we can help you so please feel free to get in touch.


When you're living with a mental health problem, having access to the right information is vital.

Alternatively you may not be the person living with the mental health problem but wish to support someone who is.

Mind can help with this being a charity that supports and works hard to improve conditions for mental health in the UK.

We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We'll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.

They offer a number of services such as advice and guidance, you can find by clicking the visit button below.
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NHS Choices

Helping you take control of your health and wellbeing. Including lots of resources to support you in your health and the health of the person you are caring for.


The NHS App allows you to access a range of NHS services. You can download the NHS App on your phone or tablet. You can also access the same services in a web browser by logging in through the NHS website.
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Loading πŸ‹οΈ Physical Activity Overview

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NHS Active 10

The Active 10 walking app is a great way to help you monitor and gradually increase your brisk walking levels over time.

Brisk walking is walking faster than your usual pace to get your heart pumping. Every minute of activity counts, but aim for at least 10 minutes each day.

A daily brisk walk can make you feel better in so many ways. It can boost your energy, clear your head and lift your mood.

It can also help with many health issues, such as lower back pain and high blood pressure,as well as reducing your risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, anxiety, depression, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

NHS Couch to 5k

The Couch to 5K programme is designed for beginners to gradually build up their running ability so they can eventually run 5km without stopping in 9 weeks. Whether you've never run before or you just want to get more active, Couch to 5K is a free and easy way of getting fitter and healthier.

Probably the biggest challenge a new runner faces is not knowing how or where to start. Often when trying to get into exercise, we can overdo it, feel defeated and give up when we're just getting started. Which can be a major barrier to continuing in your fitness journey.

Couch to 5K is different as it starts with a mixture of running and walking to gradually build up your fitness and stamina.

The plan involves 3 runs a week, with a day of rest in between, and a different schedule for each of the 9 weeks.
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Rethink Mental Illness

Works to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life. Has a good range of factsheets on all issues related to mental illness.

Hearing Voices

A small national charity whose aims are to: Raise awareness of the diversity of voices, visions and similar experiences and challenge negative stereotypes, stigma and discrimination

The Sleep Charity

The Sleep Charity provide advice and support to empower the nation to sleep better as it is estimated that 40% of the population suffer with sleep issues and many do not get the support that they need.

The Sleep Charity aim to improve sleep support and access to high quality information, raise awareness of the value of a good night's sleep and promote understanding around the complexities of sleep.


Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you are having a difficult time or are worried about someone else we can help you so please feel free to get in touch.


When you're living with a mental health problem, having access to the right information is vital.

Alternatively you may not be the person living with the mental health problem but wish to support someone who is.

Mind can help with this being a charity that supports and works hard to improve conditions for mental health in the UK.

We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We'll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.

They offer a number of services such as advice and guidance, you can find by clicking the visit button below.
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Loading πŸ’³ Benefits Overview

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Veterans Gateway

Veterans’ Gateway – information, advice and support for veterans and their families Here for you 24/7, we are the first point of contact for veterans and their loved ones. We can directly refer you to our verified, expert partners including Combat Stress, SSAFA, Poppy Scotland and more.

Discount for Carers

Discounts for Carers is a dedicated service that connects those who work in the care sector to money-saving discounts with the biggest brands. Regardless of whether you are a carer for a friend, a family member, or if you work in the care sector professionally.

Discounts for Carers have a wide variety of discounts and exclusive offers available, from hundreds of brands. It is free to join and you can save money at the places you love with vouchers, discounts and cashback.

Action Fraud

Action Fraud is the UK's national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Action Fraud is run by the City of London Police working alongside the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB). They provide a central point of contact for information about fraud and financially motivated internet crime. They want to help people who have been scammed, ripped off or conned everyday.



Turn2us is a national charity that provides practical help to people who are struggling financially. They provide information, support and tools to help people who are in need.

Turn2us has a benefits calculator to show you what benefits you may be entitled to and a grants search which identifies any additional grants you may be eligible for.

Money Helper

Free guidance on everyday money matters, family and care, budgeting, pensions and lots more.

Unbiased Financial Advisors

Unbiased is a financial advisers company that can find local financial advisers to help you with your financial needs.

They have connections with over 27,000 qualified financial advisers, mortgage brokers and accountants meaning they can put you in touch with someone local or close to you within the UK.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Citizens Advice provide people with free good quality, informative advice so they can have the knowledge and confidence to move forward in their situation. They believe that no one should have to face their problems alone, whoever you are and whatever your problem.

No one else sees so many people with so many different kinds of problems, and that gives Citizens Advice a unique insight into the challenges people are facing today.

Step Change

If you need free advice on problem debt, you can call StepChange. Their team of debt experts can help you find the solutions you need.


Beacon provide free expert advice and affordable representation for families who are struggling to navigate the maze of NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Carers UK Animated Video Guides

Carers UK animation series covers a wide variety of topics to help you understand what support and benefits are available to help you look after someone as well as yourself.
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Turn2us is a national charity that provides practical help to people who are struggling financially. They provide information, support and tools to help people who are in need.

Turn2us has a benefits calculator to show you what benefits you may be entitled to and a grants search which identifies any additional grants you may be eligible for.

Unbiased Financial Advisors

Unbiased is a financial advisers company that can find local financial advisers to help you with your financial needs.

They have connections with over 27,000 qualified financial advisers, mortgage brokers and accountants meaning they can put you in touch with someone local or close to you within the UK.

Carers UK Animated Video Guides

Carers UK animation series covers a wide variety of topics to help you understand what support and benefits are available to help you look after someone as well as yourself.
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Health Service Discounts

Whether you’re giving your all on the frontline or in the back office, if you work in healthcare you can save with our huge range of NHS & healthcare discounts, money-saving deals and vouchers, includingΒ travel and holiday deals, topΒ fashion discounts, money offΒ electricalsΒ andΒ homeware, through toΒ deals on mobile phones,Β utilities, and anΒ exclusive cashback card.

Discount for Carers

Discounts for Carers is a dedicated service that connects those who work in the care sector to money-saving discounts with the biggest brands. Regardless of whether you are a carer for a friend, a family member, or if you work in the care sector professionally.

Discounts for Carers have a wide variety of discounts and exclusive offers available, from hundreds of brands. It is free to join and you can save money at the places you love with vouchers, discounts and cashback.

Carer Smart

Joining is simple and free. And once you’re a member, you’ll be able to benefit from a wide range of offers, including: Cash back on shopping from numerous high street retailers Best rates from energy suppliers Reductions on insurance renewals Discounts on holidays and travel arrangements Reduced price lifestyle activities Free legal advice services

Carers Forward Card

Carers Forward provide a card to support family carers. It costs Β£15 per year, or Β£25 for 2 years. Prove you’re a Carer when you are out and about Access our exclusive Carer Friendly Community and online support. Provides In Case of Emergency (ICE) contact details . Access to online and high street discounts.
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Money Saving Expert

Money saving expert provide a lots of tips on a variety of money saving areas, as well as how to reduce the costs to heat your home.

Warm Spaces

Find warmth this winter. We're building an online directory of β€˜warm banks’. Spaces to find warmth, community & help.

Unbiased Financial Advisors

Unbiased is a financial advisers company that can find local financial advisers to help you with your financial needs.

They have connections with over 27,000 qualified financial advisers, mortgage brokers and accountants meaning they can put you in touch with someone local or close to you within the UK.

Trussell Trust

The Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of food banks and provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty.

They support and encourage food banks to provide compassionate, practical support to people in crisis to tackle the root causes that lock people into poverty and build people's resilience so they are less likely to need a food bank in the future.

The Trussell Trust can locate your local food bank and will explain how to gain access to this helpful service.

Carers UK Animated Video Guides

Carers UK animation series covers a wide variety of topics to help you understand what support and benefits are available to help you look after someone as well as yourself.

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Action Fraud

Action Fraud is the UK's national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Action Fraud is run by the City of London Police working alongside the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB). They provide a central point of contact for information about fraud and financially motivated internet crime. They want to help people who have been scammed, ripped off or conned everyday.


Discount for Carers

Discounts for Carers is a dedicated service that connects those who work in the care sector to money-saving discounts with the biggest brands. Regardless of whether you are a carer for a friend, a family member, or if you work in the care sector professionally.

Discounts for Carers have a wide variety of discounts and exclusive offers available, from hundreds of brands. It is free to join and you can save money at the places you love with vouchers, discounts and cashback.


Turn2us is a national charity that provides practical help to people who are struggling financially. They provide information, support and tools to help people who are in need.

Turn2us has a benefits calculator to show you what benefits you may be entitled to and a grants search which identifies any additional grants you may be eligible for.

Money Helper

Free guidance on everyday money matters, family and care, budgeting, pensions and lots more.

Unbiased Financial Advisors

Unbiased is a financial advisers company that can find local financial advisers to help you with your financial needs.

They have connections with over 27,000 qualified financial advisers, mortgage brokers and accountants meaning they can put you in touch with someone local or close to you within the UK.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Citizens Advice provide people with free good quality, informative advice so they can have the knowledge and confidence to move forward in their situation. They believe that no one should have to face their problems alone, whoever you are and whatever your problem.

No one else sees so many people with so many different kinds of problems, and that gives Citizens Advice a unique insight into the challenges people are facing today.

Step Change

If you need free advice on problem debt, you can call StepChange. Their team of debt experts can help you find the solutions you need.

Carers UK Animated Video Guides

Carers UK animation series covers a wide variety of topics to help you understand what support and benefits are available to help you look after someone as well as yourself.
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UK Safer Internet Centre

A place where you can find online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.

Men's Sheds

Men's Sheds (or Sheds) are similar to garden sheds – a place to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending. The difference is that garden sheds and their activities are often solitary in nature while Men's Sheds are the opposite. They're about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and of course a lot of laughter.

Sheds are whatever the members (or Shedders as we call them) want them to be. Although labelled sheds, they often aren't sheds at all. They can be empty offices, portable cabin's, warehouses, garages, and in at least one case, a disused mortuary. Some Sheds are purpose built workshops, but they rarely start out that way. Many don't have premises at all in the beginning and instead form a group that meets regularly for the social connection, company and camaraderie until they can find somewhere to kit out with tools. Many Sheds get involved in community projects too – restoring village features, helping maintain parks and green spaces, and building things for schools, libraries and individuals in need.
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Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you are having a difficult time or are worried about someone else we can help you so please feel free to get in touch.


When you're living with a mental health problem, having access to the right information is vital.

Alternatively you may not be the person living with the mental health problem but wish to support someone who is.

Mind can help with this being a charity that supports and works hard to improve conditions for mental health in the UK.

We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We'll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.

They offer a number of services such as advice and guidance, you can find by clicking the visit button below.

British Association for Music Therapy (BAMT)

The British Association for Music Therapy (BAMT) is a charity committed to promoting and raising awareness of Music Therapy, advocating for equal access to Music Therapy for all, and providing information to the general public.

Use their Find A Therapist tool to browse through professional members of BAMT and find a music therapist near you.
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Rethink Mental Illness

Works to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life. Has a good range of factsheets on all issues related to mental illness.


Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you are having a difficult time or are worried about someone else we can help you so please feel free to get in touch.


When you're living with a mental health problem, having access to the right information is vital.

Alternatively you may not be the person living with the mental health problem but wish to support someone who is.

Mind can help with this being a charity that supports and works hard to improve conditions for mental health in the UK.

We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We'll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.

They offer a number of services such as advice and guidance, you can find by clicking the visit button below.
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Just select the areas you'd like support in by clicking the

Select from below to add conditions

Select from below to add conditions

Select from below to add medicines

Select from below to add medicines


Frequently asked questions

Our support tool captures data from you in order to create your personal support plan.

Through this tool we capture information such as the areas you'd like support with, medications and conditions you'd like advice with, and your location so we can find local events and services close to you.

By using our tool you are consenting for Bridgit Care (Part of Upstream Outcomes Ltd) to process your information in order to receive your personalised support plan.

Bridgit Care is an online platform designed to support unpaid carers by providing information and tools tailored to your needs, exactly when you need them.
Whether you're looking for advice, local resources, or practical guidance, our platform is here to complement - not replace - the in-person services available in your area.
Our goal is to help you navigate your caring role more easily by connecting you to the right information and support at the right time.

If you would like more information, please contact contact@bridgit.care

This tool is designed to help anyone that has somebody that relies on them. Whether that's a friend, neighbour or family member.

You may not identify as a 'carer' and that's fine. This tool is just here to help you navigate all the advice and guidance that's out there on the internet and connect you to the support you need in your local area.

You can access your report in seconds and start getting support straightaway.

We've built this tool to allow you to add content over time, track progress on how you're doing and also make sure you get targeted information to help.

This hopefully will help you spend less time searching for the support you need, and help free up your time.

Your report contains advice, support and guidance from trusted sources from around the UK. From organisations like the NHS, Age UK and Carers UK. The report is split into sections.

In the 'Support' area we provide you with local events, advice, support and services and ideas to try. You can add to this plan over time and share the areas you're struggling with (called 'Challenges') so that we can make sure the advice we provide is based on your needs.

In the 'Dashboard' you can update how you're doing in the different areas of your caring role and overall life, and track this over time. If supported in your area it also allows you to book in for a personal care coach call with our team, or have a live chat on any areas we can help.

In the 'Health' section you can add conditions or medications that you'd like to keep track off and see advice from the NHS on each area. You can use this to also track the medications and conditions of the person you're caring for.

In the 'Downloads' section we've produced some easy to read and accessible packs for you that you can download and use. Containing advice, templated and things to try. You can even print it out if you find it useful.

In the report you can sign up for regular email supports. You'll receive emails with support on the specific areas you've asked for help with as well as a monthly personalised list of upcoming events that you might like to go to.

If supported in your area you'll see options to book a chat, video or phone call with our team to talk about any areas you'd like support on. We're hear to listen and support you in any way we can.

Family carers around the UK already do so much to support the people they care for which in turn helps to keep our health and social care system running.

As a Social Enterprise Bridgit Care is committed to supporting the family carer community and receive funding for these service from government organisations and grants.

When you reach your report page you'll have the option to provide your email address. If you decide to provide it and submit your address to us, then you'll receive regular support emails from the Bridgit Care team with things like upcoming events, new caring advice or services At anytime if you decide you no longer want to receive support emails you can just click 'Unsubscribe' on any of the support mails.

You can also review our Privacy Policy for further information and please contact us if you have any questions or concerns please on our email contact@bridgit.care.

Within the Privacy Policy you will see specific information that relates to this Online Support tool, including details of the information we capture and how we use this information.

All the information you provide to us is encrypted and stored securely in either or Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure environments.

We provide you with a share link for your report to send to others. This link is view only so that others can view the content but not make any edits.

This tool is completely safe to use and completely free.

The tool is being provided to you by either your local authority or NHS Trust, depending upon where you live.

All policies and Terms/Conditions are available at the bottom of the tools report for you to read so you can see how your data is protected.

We are sorry to hear you couldn't find the right help.

Our support tool is constantly updating, If there is something that you needed help with and you couldn't find it we would like to hear from you. That way, we can update the tool to help you and other carers.

You can either leave us some feedback (at the top of the tool) or send us an email at contact@bridgit.care

In the meantime, if supported within your region, and you need additional support please book a carer coach session with the Bridgit Care Team to talk through any areas you need help with

Yes, we are here to help. You can either:

  • Contact your local carers centre (This can be found in the Local section within the 'Carer Support' group)
  • Book a call with a Bridgit Carer Coach for some advice (if supported in your region)